Breast Augnentaiton

Breast Augnentaiton


We Have a Different Perspective

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation can be performed due to many complaints. Patients who have survived breast cancer and whose breasts have been removed can request breast augmentation as a result of the necessary examinations. At the same time, if one breast is smaller than the other breast, the smaller breast is enlarged and its symmetrical balance is achieved. Breast Augmentation procedures can be performed due to many complaints. Patients who have survived breast cancer and whose breasts have been removed can request breast augmentation as a result of the necessary examinations. At the same time, if one breast is smaller than the other breast, the smaller breast is enlarged and its symmetrical balance is achieved. Therefore, no matter how much time passes, even after birth, breasts that do not grow can be encountered. Since this situation is of great importance in mutual relations, breast augmentation procedures are performed with the most reliable methods to eliminate this problem. You can get information from our free consultants for Ankara breast enlargement prices.

Breast Augmentation Aesthetics Methods

There are 3 most used methods among breast augmentation methods. The first of these is breast augmentation using stem cells, the other is breast augmentation using silicone and the use of implants with salt water. Utilizing Stem Cells: In breast augmentation surgeries performed using the breast's own tissue, a certain amount of layer is taken from the fat in the two side parts of the abdomen. This removed layer is placed in the breast sufficiently. In order for this layer to work, a wide connection is established between the veins and the layer. Thus, the tissues in the breast adopt this layer over time and turn it into an organ. Silicone and Implant Method: Silicone sheaths are used when implants are used in breast augmentation. Whether these implants contain salt water or gel, whichever is necessary is preferred according to the condition of the chest. After the implants containing salt water are placed in the chest, a liquid called saline is added to these implants by sterilizing them. Thus, the chest gains a larger appearance. 

Preparation for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Before breast augmentation surgery, a study is performed on the patient's chest. In these studies, factors such as how much the breast will be enlarged, the structure of its feelings, and the health status of the tissues in the breast are controlled. The first factor affecting the preparations for the surgery is the method the patient prefers for breast augmentation. If the patient requests breast augmentation from his own breast tissue, then the preparations are made accordingly. Before the operation, the patient's breasts are enlarged in line with the breast measurements, and the image is transferred with the help of a simulation. If the patient's condition requires silicone, then the most suitable silicones for the patient are prepared before the surgery. The most important pre-operative preparation is the patient's psychological thought as to whether the surgery will be successful or not 

How is Breast Augmentation Surgery Done?

Breast surgery and procedures mean the enlargement of the external appearance of the breast. Therefore, predetermined points such as the lower part of the chest, lower parts of the arm, around the breast are cut during the surgery. Implants or tissues are placed in these incisions. Neural and vascular connections are established between the tissue and the implant. If the breast augmentation is to be performed with an implant, then the implants are placed hollow at first. Then the liquid prepared for the implants is transferred to the inner wall. Thus, the breast will have a fuller and larger appearance. The method to be used in breast augmentation will affect the duration of the operation. The last stage of the operation is completed by suturing the operated area.

Before Breast Augmentation
Before breast augmentation surgery, a mammography graph is drawn on the patient's chest. The purpose of this is to obtain information about the current state and health status of the chest. In this direction, drawings are made at certain points on the chest. Before the breast augmentation surgery, the patient is informed about the side effects and normal conditions that he may encounter after the surgery. At the same time, measures such as what the patient can and cannot do, and the menu, are shared with the patient in advance. If the patient has psychological information that he wants to learn from his doctor, he is informed and relieved in the best way. The patient is also given extensive information about prosthesis. If the patient prefers prosthesis or implant rather than tissue, the possible negative effects are best expressed. When the most suitable time for the patient is breast augmentation surgery is determined on that date. You can learn all the information free of charge in our Ankara breast enlargement clinic.


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